Tuesday, 27 August 2019

object ReadableByteStream

So, my mum started getting this "object ReadableByteStream" error when trying to check her email on Outlook / Hotmail / MSN. It appears in simple text at the top left corner of an otherwise blank white page. I immediately Googled the error to find that many other people had been experiencing the same issue recently, which went to my mum hadn't don't something to cause it on her system. [Click here to continue reading]

Monday, 26 August 2019

Boycotting Microsoft, promoting Linux

When it comes to computers, I'm most familiar with Windows, but when a company such as Microsoft operate counter to my way of thinking, that usually means it's time to look for an alternative.

With each version of Windows comes an "End of life support" date, which sounds drastic enough but basically means Microsoft will stop supporting that operating system, and generally other companies will follow suite, from providers of anti-virus and web browsers to hardware manufacturers of things like printers. [Click here to continue reading]

Friday, 23 August 2019

Violating Expectations

This was an interesting concept that was raised in Youtube collaboration between Matt D’Avella and Thomas Frank in a video on “How to Become a Productivity Master“. I’ve watched a number of videos by these two guys individually and they often provide me with food for thought, although I also feel like “self-help” videos such as these are often just sharing what the creators have figured out which we would actually benefit more from figuring out on our own, without resorting to the internet for answers; this is a bad habit to get into (obviously I’m telling you this because I too am now sharing something I’ve learned about myself!) [Click here to continue reading]

Monday, 19 August 2019

Vaccines and the war on "fake news"

I received a complementary copy of The Sun newspaper today; I have only rarely purchased or read a newspaper and as is the same with listening to the news on the radio or watching it on TV I find it overwhelming; too much to think about and too many things to have a say on... such as this on page 2...

My general opinion of Boris Johnson is that he is amusing and therefore I have no qualms with him having a stint at being prime minister; I know of no one else who is up for the position that interests me in the slightest. [Click here to continue reading]

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Utopia 239

After reading Alone on Mars last month I looked up what other books the author Stanley Bennett Hough had written under the pen name of Rex Gordon and discovered that one had been the second and Utopia 239 the first. I sourced a copy and got reading.

From the onset Utopia 239 reminded me of Nineteen Eighty-Four but I had it in my head that 1984 had been written much later than it had (the title probably didn't help!) although I tried to keep an open mind throughout (rather than dive onto Wikipedia straight away to get my facts straight); I wondered which had been written first and which author had possibly gained inspiration from the other. [Click here to continue reading]

Monday, 12 August 2019

Insert text above a table in NVU / BlueGriffon

I mentioned in a previous post that I still use Microsoft FrontPage to create and edit web pages. Over the years I have tried out other such editors with varying degrees of success. I have more recently been renewing those efforts but I have reached a stumbling block. Help?

Since dabbling with Ubuntu Linux I discovered the BlueGriffon WYSWYG editor (also available for Windows) that can apparently be used not only for creating and editing HTML documents, but EPUB files also; that might come in handy at some point, but for now web pages...

Let's say I create a page and put a table on that page. How can I insert text above that table? (without dabbling in the HTML or cutting the table, typing what I want and then pasting the table below). [Click here to continue reading]

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Old Web Wednesday #5

I mentioned Netscape Navigator in last week’s OWW blog post so I used that to get this week’s post started; I searched for “best viewed with netscape navigator”.
Netscape was a popular web browser in the 90s as an alternative to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer; adopted perhaps by people who wanted to be different and avoid Microsoft. I think of Netscape as the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome of the day, in fact Mozilla Organization was formed in 1998 and largely funded by Netscape. Netscape Navigator is no longer a current browser although the last release can be downloaded and installed on Windows 10, it just doesn’t like modern websites all that much and it’s probably not all that secure. [Click here to continue reading]

Monday, 5 August 2019

I Unplug to...

I discovered on Saturday that I had managed to miss National Unplugging Day; I think it takes place on the first Friday of March each year, but I had neglected to note it in my diary. Since I had been feeling increasing levels of anxiety from spending too many hours in front of my computer, namely watching stuff on Youtube and being in the virtual world that is Second Life, I decided I would make the effort on Sunday to switch off and "Unplug". [Click here to continue reading...]